Tag: teaching

Creating a Safe Space During Lockdown

A conversation with Luke* via email or creating a safe space.  This blog post is sort of about an email conversation that took place over the whole school shutdown period (so far), with one particular student: Luke. It is about the value of the interactions we’ve had despite the fact that… Continue Reading “Creating a Safe Space During Lockdown”

Poetry Please- A Year in L.A.T.E

At the last conference, and actually at pretty much all of our conferences, L.A.T.E members have been enthusiastic to talk about teaching poetry. Whether this popularity for workshops on the subject or performances comes from a passion or from trepidation, I do not know.… Continue Reading “Poetry Please- A Year in L.A.T.E”

Hay Festival

We’re a cultured bunch here on the LATE committee and we like to share our culture our ideas, culture and new found enthusiasms with you and also our students. Here is my (Myfanwy Marshall @Miff_) round up of the Hay Festival and how I’ve… Continue Reading “Hay Festival”

I see things…by Galia Melon

Galia is Lead practitioner for English in her school, a member of the LATE committee and is an avid theatre goer. Below she shares some of the theatre she’s loved recently and in future we’ll be posting about some of the other theatrical and… Continue Reading “I see things…by Galia Melon”

London Learning

At the last conference there was a huge celebration of the ways we can utilise London in our teaching of English. Museums are just one area that London has to offer and of course there are many others. We can look to our wide… Continue Reading “London Learning”